LinkedInfo ML

Text Analysis

This is a text analysis service for technical articles. The most interesting part is its topic tags identification, whichs uses BERT and is trained on the dataset of and questions on Stack Overflow.

You can either choose to submit the title/text or the URL of the article you want to analyze.


Show extracted info
Result {{ textShow }} {{ info.language }} with keywords

{{ item }} {{ i < info.keywords.length -1 ? ' ': '' }}

and topic tags

{{ item }} {{ i < info.tags.length -1 ? ' ': '' }}

Click on a tag to find more
No tags could be provided You may try to give more text

Feel not right about the tags?

Please click here to suggest your tags. Your feedback is valuable for improving the model!


It may take some time for the model loading if you are the first visitor in a period.

Prediction failed!

Please try again later, or see the error message: {{errMsg}}

Submit too many, come again next time please!